When Miley Cyrus released her video...

When Miley Cyrus released her video for “Wrecking Ball”, she said that she was totally inspired by Sinead O’Connors’ “Nothing Compares 2 U.”

photo: from tons of visits, most likely

When Miley Cyrus released her video for "Wrecking Ball", she said that she was totally inspired by Sinead O'Connors' "Nothing Compares 2 U." The Miley video showed her crying (because apparently her dog died), naked-riding a wrecking ball and licking a hammer. The reason behind those shots? "I wanted it to be tough but really pretty. That’s what Sinead did with her hair and everything,” Miley said. With that comparison, Sinead wrote Miley a 1,000-word long open letter to please stop getting naked and prostituting herself in the name of desperation. You can read the letter at sineadoconnor.com but it seems like the site is down .